Monday, July 07, 2008


lately i am struck more and more often about how sara is turning into, i don't know -- herself, i guess. she's funny and she's clever, and her likes (vegetables, chocolate milk, and salty snacks) & dislikes (doughnuts - what?!) are becoming evident.

she's a climber more than a runner and prefers a cozy pool to a big one, thank you very much. she's loving but not cuddly. she is very precise about what she wants to say and has no qualms about saying what she thinks. ever. the other day i said "sara b, you're just so beautiful." "i'm gorgeous" was her reply.

seriously? oh, my.

she's rough and tumble but sometimes just must wear a pretty dress. and don't worry, she'll tell you exactly which one she wants. the girl loves her shoes but spends as much time kicking them off as she does picking them out.

want to wind her up? get her out of bed in the morning. want to calm her down? water, water, and more water.

she loves music and is known, on infrequent but wonderous occasions, to be overcome by it and bust a move. there is no sweeter sight, let me tell you.

she loves animals, especially dogs, and cats, and most of all pete. (the feeling is mutual.)

she is a big kid with a big heart and big ideas and she's frustrated beyond words to be trapped in her little body.

simply put, i love this child. more and more desperately every day, if you want to know the whole truth. and it's so fun getting to know her.

sara b, you're just the greatest. yes, yes -- and gorgeous, too.

1 comment:

Ket said...

I just looked at my blog header and noticed that the picture there says it all: Grizzly bear jams with a matching pink boa. Of course, right? And her mouth set to tell you something VERY important.

Oh my heart, it's just busting...